Sunday, 26 June 2011


Also since January my two little friends have died. Maeze (top) the furriest dwarf russian i ever saw was rehomed by us after being left in a box on the doorstep of a local pet shop in March 2010. Sadly, due to likely previous life she was not very well, a bad case of diabetes, and was terrified of human skin. Cuddles were only permitted with long sleeves or gloves. Jemima the orange syrian was also rehomed by us, October 2009, and she settled in quickly and became very very friendly. Her death was rather traumatic, a sudden infection which had no symptoms until it was very advanced, and for her last week she struggled to move around. I love the colour orange after helping her in her life. H has one little hamster left as Bailey (Belly as more commonly known) died a few weeks ago. Her sister Whisky (or Witty due to the cheeky hissing giggle sound she used to make) is the last hamster, and seems on her way out after a very long and healthy life. She looks a bit manky at the moment, so no picture of her.... It's weird how your life can be affected by animals so much, I think a lot of therapy came out of the cuddles from these two!

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